Hello, we are “Whitchurch in Bloom”!
Hello, we are Whitchurch in Bloom!
In 2020, during the Covid pandemic lockdown, three intrepid souls ventured out to bring some cheer to Whitchurch and its residents. Caroline, Kathy and Lizzie had a vision to brighten up Whitchurch during such a dark time. They would plant bulbs everywhere around Whitchurch and that is exactly what they did.
Residents were encouraged to join in and many who couldn’t join in donated bulbs instead. Thousands of bulbs were planted and people commented on how much better they felt for taking part and then seeing the bulbs grow into beautiful flowers.
From these early beginnings, Whitchurch in Bloom grew.

Whitchurch In Bloom now has a dedicated team of volunteers who work tirelessly to keep our beautiful small town of Whitchurch full of plants and flowers and keep it clean and tidy. In so doing, we encourage residents and businesses to take pride in their local environment. We are also committed to improving biodiversity with our efforts to rewild areas of Whitchurch.